
hacking myself, again

how I broke my luks disk password

Apr 28, 2023 • Gildásio Júnior • cryptography, hacking, luks

Some months ago my laptop falls in the floor and its screen broke. Since than I have used just a couple of times. These days I want to power it on to do some things but can’t remember the luks password. A fun fact is that these days I was talking to my girlfriend and other friend how my memory is really good for now. apparently it’s not true

Well, I don’t remember the exact password but can remember a little part of it as well a pattern that I can use to generate a wordlist. Some years ago I used a similar approach to find the password for a old gpg key of mine. I know, I need to use better my password manager. In my defense these are pretty old passwords. ^-^

I borrowed my SATA-USB adapter to a friend so I can not connect the SSD in my current machine. So the way to go is to boot up my laptop itself. Luckily I always have a prompt ArchLinux ISO in a bootable device.

Once the laptop boots using the ArchLinux ISO I start tmux and split the window in two horizontal panes (remember my screen is broken in the middle) so I can read it). After it I need to connect to my wifi network so I can download and send files:

# iwctl
station list
station wlan0 scan
station wlan0 connect-hidden "my hidden network"

Then I install john the ripper so I can use luks2john to do the job:

# pacman -Sy
# pacman -S --noconfirm john

To use john I only need to point the disk and voilà:

$ fdisk -l
$ luks2john /dev/my_luks_volume
/dev/my_luks_volume: Only cbc-essiv:sha256 mode is supported. Used mode: b'xts-plain64\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'

Not so fast :/
As I can notice john can’t be used against a luks disk that is using aes. Ok, fine, let’s try another approach. I just found that hashcat support attacking aes luks disks, great!

What I need to do now is extract the luks header to a file so I can send it to my computer to hashcat it:

$ cryptsetup luksDump /dev/my_luks_volume
$ dd if=/dev/my_luks_volume of=luks_header.dd bs=512 count=4079
$ file luks_header.dd
luks_header.dd: LUKS encrypted file, ver 1 [aes, xts-plain64, sha256] ... slot #1 active ...; slot #2 active
$ scp luks_header.dd gildasio@my_other_machine:~

In that machine I need have hashcat and pocl installed.

# pacman -S --noconfirm hashcat pocl

Now I need to create my wordlist file so I can attack myself. A lot of people use crunch for the job. But to attack myself years ago I used exrex that works amazingly. exrex receive a regex as parameter and generate all possibilities that can match this regex. (I like a lot regex such that I play regexcrossword a lot in the past.

Let’s create the wordlist:

$ exrex -c 'regex_redacted :)'
$ exrec 'regex_redacted :)' -o wordlist

This take a looong time. So I just check:

$ ls -sh wordlist
4,0G wordlist
$ wc -l wordlist
186537053 wordlist

haha I can’t wait for this (and I might not have disks enough though. So I try to reduce the regex by the price that maybe I can’t find my password:

$ exrex -c 'regex_redacted, but a short one :)'
$ exrex 'regex_redacted, but a short one :)' -o wordlist
$ ls -sh wordlist
1,6G wordlist

Ok, that is something I can handle. Still it will be a long run. But ok, I don’t have any time constraints for this. So lets run hashcat:

$ hashcat -m 14600 -a 0 -w 3 header.luks wordlist -o luks_pass -S
hashcat (v6.2.6) starting

OpenCL API (OpenCL 3.0 PoCL 3.1  Linux, Release, RELOC, SPIR, LLVM 15.0.6, SLEEF, DISTRO, POCL_DEBUG) - Platform #1 [The pocl project]
* Device #1: ...

Minimum password length supported by kernel: 0
Maximum password length supported by kernel: 256

Hashfile 'header.luks': Disabled LUKS key detected
No hashes loaded.

Wait, what? I did something wrong in extracting the luks header. Searching the web just found a project that extract the luks header informing the keyslot. My luks disk has some keyslots configured so I don’t need to put the password two times while booting the system. So I need to extract the one that is the password.

So back to the broken laptop, install git, download the project and run it:

# pacman -S --noconfirm git
# git clone
# python /dev/my_luks_volume
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gildasio/LuksHeader4Hashcat/", line 172, in <module>
  File "/home/gildasio/LuksHeader4Hashcat/", line 129, in main
    intKeySlot = raw_input("Which KeySlot should be used? Possible is " + str(PossibleKeyslots) + ": ")
NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined

That’s ok. The LuksHEader4Hashcat was coded to python2 but in Arch we only use python3 for now (at least me). Just a patch to replace raw_input() by input():

diff --git a/ b/
index bdb5514..33045ba 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def main(args):
 #rebuild the LuksHeader
        intKeySlot = ""
        while (not intKeySlot) and (not intKeySlot in PossibleKeyslots):
-               intKeySlot = raw_input("Which KeySlot should be used? Possible is " + str(PossibleKeyslots) + ": ")
+               intKeySlot = input("Which KeySlot should be used? Possible is " + str(PossibleKeyslots) + ": ")
                if not intKeySlot in str(PossibleKeyslots):
                        print('Your Input is not a possible KeySlot, exiting Script')

Lets run LuksHeader4hashcat again:

# python /dev/my_luks_volume
Which KeySlot should be used? Possible is [1, 2]: 2

Your Choice is KeySlot2.

Write to File:         /dev/my_luks_volume_KeySlot2.bin
# mv /dev/my_luks_volume_KeySlot2.bin ./keyslot2.bin
# scp keyslot2.bin gildasio@my_other_machine:~

Time to run hashcat again:

$ hashcat -m 14600 -a 0 -w 3 keyslot2.bin wordlist -o luks_pass -S

After couple of minutes running:

[s]tatus [p]ause [b]ypass [c]heckpoint [f]inish [q]uit => s

Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Running
Speed.#1.........:     1611 H/s (39.57ms) @ Accel:256 Loops:499 Thr:1 Vec:8
Progress.........: 270336/186537054 (0.14%)

Now it is working but it will take a while. Ok, time to lets hashcat do its job so I can go to do something else. But … before getting up from the chair what about try the password one last attempt? Ok it will not hurt anyone.

Typing in the broken laptop...

I can’t believe it! Imediatly I take not the password I just tried, reboot the laptop and use the password again, yeah, it works!! \o/ apparently it’s true that my memory is going good recently haha

Ok, mission complete I just found remembered my password. But my curiosity now was: Will my approach works?

$ grep 'my_password' wordlist

Yeah! My password was there in the wordlist. But will the hashcat attack works? I create another small wordlist with exrex and try the hashcat again:

$ exrex -c 'regex_redacted, but a really short one :)'
$ exrex 'regex_redacted, but a really short one :)' -o wordlist
$ grep 'my_password' wordlist
$ hashcat -m 14600 -a 0 -w 3 keyslot2.bin wordlist -o luks_pass -S
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Cracked
Progress.........: 96/96 (100.00%)
$ cat luks_pass

Great! :)
Hop you like the story.

This post was in draft mode until a friend share a post about a weakness in luks passwords so I think it is time to finish this post as well to share it.